Sunday service in-person guidelines

Hello everyone!

Governor Baker and Boston Mayor Chaney have issued orders and guidance in which facemasks are no longer required at houses of worship (but are recommended for the unvaccinated), and neither is social distancing.  Capacity limits in conference centers such as the Longwood Hall or Fenway Room have been eliminated.


In line with the Governor’s and Mayor’s orders and guidance, although facemasks are welcome, they are not required at our Sunday service.  However, because we want to be sensitive and loving to those who are wary of the new maskless environment (including visitors from the hospitals), ushers and  greeters will continue to wear masks for the immediate future.  Sunday School and nursery workers will wear masks when they are not addressing students.  Masks will be optional for Youth Group leaders.  Nursery parents of three year-olds, and Sunday School and Youth Group parents have the responsibility for deciding whether their children wear masks.  In accordance with the governors guidance, children under the age of two will not be wearing masks.

Social distancing with seats will continue

For the immediate future, we will practice limited social distancing in terms of how seats are arranged in the Sunday Service.  There will otherwise be no social distancing requirements.  We do not practice social distancing in Sunday School and Youth Group and nursery. 

If you have COVID-19 symptoms, please watch on live stream

If you have COVID-19 symptoms, or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, please watch on live stream!

We have been praying ten-fold throughout COVID, and as a result have seen the hand of the Lord greatly move among us.  We can’t stop now!  Please pray for a move of the Holy Spirit which prompts a dying-to-self love and compassion and unity among us that really, really looks like Jesus.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you,

Calvary Chapel In The City